Welcome to M&D Medical Corp. where your health is our priority. At M&D Medical Corp. we offer comprehensive patient care in the area of rheumatology as well as headache and facial pain medicine. We welcome new patients. To schedule a consultation please 
contact us at 747-298-0747.

Rheumatology and Headache Medicine.

Advanced care to change lives

"I am fortunate to live in an era where I can change the lives of my patients with rheumatologic disease. They now have a higher and longer survival rate and a better quality of life."

M&D Medical Corp.-where your health meets its needs.  

Delivering comprehensive care you can trust



Want to make booking or have a question?

Call me on 747-298-0747 or simply book an appointment

Commonly performed procedures

Joint injections

Joint aspirations

Trigger point injections

Occipital nerve blocks

Peripheral nerve blocks

Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks

Botox injections for chronic migraines

What is the field of rheumatology?

Rheumatology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis, certain autoimmune diseases, and musculoskeletal pain disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus.

What Are You Waiting For...

Make an appointment

Our location

500 N. Central Ave #740 Glendale CA 91203

Opening Hours

Fri: 9am-12:00pm


Phone: 747-298-0747
Email: [email protected]
FAX: 833-651-2094